Holiday Items
Probally the easiest way to make money but it takes a long time and a lot of money. Buy holiday items long before the holiday it takes after. For instance, buy Santa hats in July and easter eggs in September, this way they're dirt cheap and people are egar to get rid of them. I recomend you do this along with other ideas I have so that this way even if you go broke you have something you can sell. Or you can make twice your profits when that holiday comes around.
Recomendations: I'm going to have to say start out with at least 5-10 million gp if not more, that way you can get more items quicker and at once.
Directions: Buy your items and put them in your bank and forget about them. This way you won't be tempted to sell it and your level 36 friend won't ask to "borrow" it. Then when the holiday comes around sell them to the highest bidder on the fourms or in world 1 or 2.
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