Merchanting Herbs
This is pretty simple and how I used to make money, merchanting herbs. Basically you buy unided herbs and sell them ided. I usually got double money I put in after all my herbs were sold from doing this so it's pretty good. Unided herbs are herbs that haven't been ided\identified yet if you're wondering.
Start Up Stuff: I recomend about 100,000 gp to start off your business and be able to id herbs so you can be more self sufficent.
How to Start: Post on the fourms "buying all unided herbs 1k each", then you should have some sellers within 2 minutes. Meet with them and buy the herbs and keep going until you have at least 100.
Getting Herbs Ided: This is pretty simple, all you have to do is ethier have a high level friend id your herbs or go on the fourms and ask someone to.
Selling Herbs: Now prices may or may not have changed since I played but as I remember herb prices went something like this...
Guam Leaf - 300 Gp Each
Terramonin - 700 Gp Each
Marrentill - 300 Gp Each
Harralander - 1000 Gp Each
Ranarr - 6000 Gp Each
Irit Leaf - 2000 Gp Each
Avantoe - 3000 Gp each
Kwuarm - 3000 Gp Each
Cadantine - 2000 Gp Each
Lantadyme - 4000 Gp Each
Dwarf Weed - 3000 Gp Each
Advice: 1) Do NOT buy herbs if they're only in 1, 2, 3, or 4 stacks. Odds are they're all guams, terramonins, marrentills, and harralanders which will make you LOSE money.
2) Find permanent buyers. This takes loads of stress off trying to sell your herbs to people.
3) Find permanent sellers. This makes getting unids a lot easier than looking for new sellers all the time.
4) NEVER buy unids for more than 1000 gp each because that's how much they are no matter how many they have.
5) Buy one herb from each stack first so you can see if they're trash or a green gold mine.
great guide! i will use it to make enough cash for full guthans! thank u!
9:16 AM
Wow I'm impressed...mainly because I have 33M and I've never though of this...
Coutos to you!
5:24 AM
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